Monday, August 24, 2009

Mr Krax finds a voice of his own

Krax (who hatched here) finally found a voice of his own, or rather became the unvoice of the Sweden social web-barcamp. Thanks to Henrik's ruby magic in the car and my cardboard craft the night before, he could read all tweets hashtagged #mrkrax in the main tent. Check out the Linux wizard below trying to figure it all out.

Update: Ted posted a really good summary of sswc on his blog (Swedish only).

Friday, August 21, 2009

Mr.Krax and Sweden social web camp

Heading down to Sweden social web camp with my friends Henrik Berggren and Ted Valentin and our new pal Krax (check out what that means in a Swedish dictionary). Krax hatched in the family kitchen late yesterday evening and has yet to learn how to speak. We're doing our best to remedy that by the time we arrive at Tjärö in the archipelago in southern Sweden.

Update: Watch Krax speaking tweets